Join the team!

We are always open to welcome new members to the team.

Bachelor and Master students at TU Delft: we are happy to welcome students to conduct their Bachelor or Master thesis with us. Please contact Djordje to discuss if our group may be a good fit.

PhD Students and Postdocs: Although we do not have any vacancies at the moment, please reach out if you are interested in our work. There are different fellowships that might be available, and I am happy to support and guide the writing of the proposal.

Team - Current members

Djordje Bajić

Assistant Professor

Djordje is broadly interested in understanding how structure gives rise to function in biological systems. For example, how the genes in a genome combine to determine a trait (genotype-phenotype maps), or how the species within a community collectively contribute to a function (for example, degradation of a compound). I like to think in terms of general principles, which allow us to make predictions and come up with engineering strategies.

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Minke Gabriëls

PhD Candidate

  • B.Sc. Life Science and Technology, TU Delft, The Netherlands
  • M.Sc. Life Sciences, TU Delft, The Netherlands

Minke is interested in engineering the function of microbial communities. She combines different computational approaches, such as genome-scale metabolic modeling or fitness landscape analysis. She tackles both fundamental and applied questions. A major focus of her work is understanding and engineering electrosynthetic biofilm communities (CO2 + electricity to product).

Uroš Gojković

PhD Candidate

  • B.Sc. Life Science, University of Belgrade, Serbia
  • M.Sc. Life Sciences, University of Belgrade, Serbia

Uroš is interested in understanding how we can rationally steer microbial community composition using metabolic intervention. His work is based on quantitatively characterizing model communities assembled both in high-throughput and in bioreactor settings. In his project, he is using the UNLOCK facility.

Stijn Poppe

Master End Project

  • B.Sc. Life Science and Technology, TU Delft, The Netherlands

Stijn is interested in understanding how the composition of top-down assembled microbial communities depends on the metabolic composition of the environment. For this, he uses a combination of modeling and high-throughput experiments.

Marco van Oort

Master End Project

  • B.Sc. Life Science and Technology, TU Delft, The Netherlands

Marco is interested in understanding how microbes innovate, and how this depends on metabolic structure and ecology. He is also building model in silico microbial communities using COMETS.

Vladimir Koselka

Master End Project

  • B.Sc. Life Science and Technology, TU Delft, The Netherlands

Vladimir is interested in how microbial resource allocation and thermodynamics structures microbial communities. His work focuses mostly on electrosynthetic communities.

Past Members

Fea Tromp Bachelor End Project, Fall 2024
Eloïse Moniot Erasmus Exchange Student, Spring 2024
Floris Klein Obbink Master End Project, Feb - Oct 2024
Isa van Staalduinen Bachelor End Project, Spring 2024
Suzanne van Melzen Bachelor End Project, Spring 2024
Daan Nolde Bachelor End Project, Spring 2023
Julia Verbeek Bachelor End Project (Spring 2023)